杏色(あんずいろ)とは?~日本の伝統色 Japanese Traditional Colors~

色の名前 | 杏 色 |
読み方 | あんずいろ anzu-iro |
英語 | apricot color |
WEBカラーコード | #f4a466 |
CMYK | C=0/M=45/Y=60/K=0 |
RGB | R=244/G=164/B=102 |
【杏色】は、熟した杏の果実を思わせるような、やわらかな赤黄色、または橙色の色名です。杏(あんず)は、バラ科サクラ属の落葉小高木の植物で、梅やスモモなどの仲間です。日本では、果実の種の中にある「杏仁(あんにん)」が漢方薬として重用されていたため、古い時代から栽培されていました。平安時代には、「唐桃(からもも)」と呼ばれ、『古今和歌集(こきんわかしゅう)』にもその名が登場しています。「あふからも ものはなほこそ悲しけれ 別れんことを かねて思えば(あっているのに、なんだか悲しいことだなあ、別れることを思っていると)」という和歌は、清少納言の先祖が詠んだものです。
杏 色 あんずいろ |
卵 色 たまごいろ |
杏 色 あんずいろ |
藍 白 あい じろ |
A traditional Japanese color "杏色 anzu-iro" is...
The color ”杏” Anzu -means pricot-" is the color name for a soft reddish-yellow or orange color that reminds one of ripe apricot fruit. The apricot is a deciduous, small, tall plant of the cherry family Rosaceae, closely related to the Japanese apricot and plum. In Japan, it has been cultivated since ancient times because the "anniin" (apricot kernel) inside the fruit's seeds was heavily used as a herbal medicine. In the Heian period (794-1185), it was called "唐桃 karamomo," and its name appears in the Kokin Waka Shu (Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry).
However, it is said that the color ”杏” Anzu did not become popular as a color name in Japan until after the Meiji period (1868-1912). This is because that apricot color was introduced from Europe and the U.S., and its Japanese translation became known as the color ”杏”. Many ancient Japanese color names are derived from the color of flowers, but not many are derived from the color of fruits. Overseas, on the other hand, many color names are based on the color of the fruit. Incidentally, the apricot has pale light red flowers.
Another color similar to apricot is "枇杷 Biwa -means loquat-," which is also reminiscent of the color of the fruit, but this color name was created in the modern era.
・『366日 日本の美しい色』(三才ブックス)
・『くらしを彩る 日本の伝統色事典』(マイナビ)