利休鼠(りきゅうねずみ)とは?~日本の伝統色 Japanese Traditional Colors~
色の名前 | 利 休 鼠 |
読み方 | りきゅうねずみ rikyunezumi |
英語 | greyish dark green |
WEBカラーコード | #9faa9a |
CMYK | C=15/M=0/Y=20/K=40 |
RGB | R=159/G=170/B=154 |
利休鼠 りきゅうねずみ |
千歳緑 せんざいみどり |
利休鼠 りきゅうねずみ |
朱 色 し ゅ い ろ |
A traditional Japanese color "利休鼠 rikyunezumi" is...
A traditional Japanese color "利休鼠 rikyu-nezumi" is the name of a greenish gray color inspired by Sen no Rikyu, the tea ceremony master. It is one of the "鼠 nezumi" colors (gray) that were very popular in the Edo period (1603-1867), and was created in the process of inventing a color based on the theme of "the color Sen no Rikyu preferred". There are many other derivatives of this color, such as "利休柳 Rikyu-yanagi," "利休茶 Rikyu-cha," and "利休白茶 Rikyu-haku-cha. The color name "利休 Rikyu" refers to the color "抹茶", which is green color of powdered green tea, and "利休鼠 rikyu-nezumi", a combination of green and gray, was a fashionable and austere color much loved by the Edo people, who loved stylish things.
Although it is said to be the color favored by Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu was a tea master of the Muromachi and Momoyama periods (latter half of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1583-1600 CE), and this color name did not appear in literature until the middle of the Edo period. Therefore, it is not actually directly related to Rikyu, but rather "a dyer or draper of that era who named a fashionable color after Rikyu." It is now believed to be the case.
また、北原白秋(きたはらはくしゅう)作詞、梁田貞(やなださだし)作曲の「城ヶ島の雨」という曲には「雨はふるふる城ヶ島の磯に 利休鼠の雨が降る」という一節があり、うら寂しい情景を表現する歌詞として【利休鼠」が使われています。
・『366日 日本の美しい色』(三才ブックス)
・『くらしを彩る 日本の伝統色事典』(マイナビ)